
Welcome to the Prion Son universe

  Prion Son are an Alternative Metal band based in Southampton, UK. Their songs tell an ongoing sci-fi story of mad space cannibals and killer robots. Drawing influence from prog, metalcore and alt rock, their style spans the spectrum from crushingly heavy to chill and electronic. On this site, you can explore both the music and the lore.

Story: Arc 2 (The Skytree)

Arc 2 picks up centuries after Arc 1. All of the previous arc's characters are long dead apart from Mariah, who seems to be immortal (an unexpected side-effect of splitting from her host whilst in the Land of the Living). A lot of the lore is only loosely implied in songs, with the most vital one ("Lieutenant Skytree's Bacon Soliloquy") yet to be released as a recording - though it's been played live many times!

Story: Arc 1 Pt. 2 (Rosa in the Land of the Living)

The first arc of the story began with the EP Snowfall, and continued in the album Nightfall and the EP Rainfall. It follows Rosa Ford (the first human born in the land of the dead). In this post, we'll cover the second half of this arc. (For the first half, see  Arc 1 Pt. 1 )

Story: Arc 1 Pt. 1 (Rosa in the Land of the Dead)

  The first arc of the story began with the EP Snowfall, and continued in the album Nightfall and the EP Rainfall. It follows Rosa Ford (the first human born in the land of the dead). In this post, we'll cover the first half of this story arc.

Story: Prelude

Almost every Prion Son song is part of an ongoing story. In this post, we'll deal with the prelude: events that take place before any of the songs, and set the scene for our tale.